Elderly And Technology: Poles Apart Or Something More…

Vinay Bhati
4 min readFeb 16, 2021


Photo by CDC on Unsplash

I t was winter noon when I and my Grandmother were trying to figure out something related to cooking. Let me clarify to you that cooking is something at which my Grandmother never fails to amaze us.

Well, after finishing my meal I took my Grandfather’s Laptop for a mundane time killing via Cortana. All of a sudden, my Grandmother started noticing my ability to operate that machine without even touching or pressing any keys. It took me no time to sense how intrigued was she by that feature of the machine. I asked her if she wanted to learn that too. My Grandfather jeeringly said, “I bet she would forget all that you teach her today.” Without noticing him, she nodded affirmatively.

At then we started and now just ask her how much she enjoys using the Internet.

All of us might have seen several senior citizens who are dependent on their young ones as far as these tech-savvy things are concerned. It is noticeably evident that elder people have a low adaptivity with the approach of new technologies as compared to younger ones.

Why So?

The reason for such non — adaptiveness lies in the past two decades as most of the technological developments have taken place in this period only. Moreover, it is widely seen that such technologies are majorly developed relevant to younger generations which have since their very advent kept senior cohort aside. Furthermore, there are various other factors such as Age Complexities, Possible Disabilities, Complex Technology, Specific Skills, etc. contributing to this estrangement making them struggle with technology.

The Technological Disabilities may vary individually subjected to the use of everyday-simple technologies such as televisions, air-conditioners, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, etc. to some complex technologies such as Laptops, Cell phones, ATMs, etc.

Photo by Daniel Romero on Unsplash

The importance of technology for the elderly is needed even more as it proves to keep them away from Isolation. Technological developments, day-by-day, are taking place to cater to Elders' daily concerns subjected to serious illnesses such as memory decline, isolation etc. Various systems are coming into existence to help people compensate for the physical and sensory deficits specially crafted for ageing persons. Various intelligent systems are developed to support elders with cognitive decline. Many of which are already available as commercial products as well.

Nobody likes being referred backwards

They often tend to show disinterest in advanced technologies because of their complex nature or any health constraints which is usually misinterpreted as they don’t want to learn it or don’t require it. Further, it leads to a gap created between the two demographics which is needed to be dampened.

In a 2018 Survey, the majority of the elderly Norwegians were excited about digitalization and technological developments.

Ignite the curiosity spark in them

Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash

It is advised to extend the required support to the seniors in terms of assistance and further explanation. Spend more and more time with them and find ways to let them adjust to advanced technologies. Suggest them diverse ways through which the technology can be proven a boon for them.

  • Be their Sudha:

All of you might have read the well-known story — How I Taught My Grandmother To Read by Sudha Murty. Just start the conversation and boom, you are done with more than half. Start teaching them the basics and move on gradually.

  • Language is no Issue:

It is widely seen that most of the seniors do not show their interest in the complex technology due to the illiteracy of English. Nowadays, mobile phones and laptops are acquainted with diverse vernacular languages which are quite useful for those suffering from such deficits.

  • Mitigating Low Vision:

Almost every senior citizen, today, suffers from vision-related illnesses. This is one of the major reasons why the elderly do not acquaint themselves with technology. To curb the disability, text-to-speech software can completely change the game. For perusal related troubles, icon sizes or fonts may be set to high for making them more eye-friendly.

  • Digital Voice Assistants:

Digital Voice Assistants such as Google Assistant, Alexa, Siri, Cortana, etc. are some of the best technologies we have today and can be maximally utilised by Elderly having any disabilities.

Technology is a good servant but does not demand much to be a bad master. Perhaps, seniors perceive it well among us all.

Remember, the time when they were there for you. Now it is your turn.

I have begun, next be you…



Vinay Bhati
Vinay Bhati

Written by Vinay Bhati

Vinay is a Freelance Writer, A CA Student, A Prolific Thinker who loves to share his views on diverse facets to his reading folks.

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